Cmp444 Instrumentation/Orchestration (Composition: Richardson)
- Course:
- Cmp444 Instrumentation/Orchestration
- Institution:
- New England Conservatory
- Instructor:
- Richardson, Sid
- Department:
- Composition
- On reserve at a library:
- 5 Orchesterstücke op. 16 [sound recording] ; Variationen op. 31 / Schönberg. Trauermusik ; Livre pour orchestre / Lutoslławski.
- Amériques / rev. and edited by Chou Wen-chung.
- Amériques [sound recording] ; Arcana ; Déserts ; Ionisation / Varése.
- Asyla : for large orchestra, op. 17 (1997) / Thomas Adès.
- Asyla [sound recording] / Thomas Adès.
- Bilder einer Ausstellung : Erinnerung an Viktor Hartmann = Pictures at an exhibition : in commemoration of Victor Hartmann / Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgski ; nach dem Autograph herausgegeben von Manfred Schandert ; Vorschläge zur Interpretation mit Finge
- Boston Symphony commissions / Timo Andres, Eric Nathan, Sean Shepherd, George Tsontakis.
- Don Juan : op. 20 / Richard Strauss.
- Don Quixote [sound recording] : op. 35 ; Don Juan : op. 20 / Richard Strauss.
- Everything happens so much : for full orchestra / Timo Andres.
- Express abstractionism / Sean Shepherd.
- Fantastic symphony : an authoritative score / Hector Berlioz ; historical background, analysis, views and comments edited by Edward T. Cone.
- Five pieces for orchestra = Fünf Orchesterstücke, Opus 16 / Arnold Schoenberg.
- Five pieces for orchestra, op. 16 [1949 revision] [sound recording] / Arnold Schoenberg. Five pieces for orchestra, op. 10 / Anton Webern. Three pieces for orchestra, op. 6 ; Lulu suite / Alban Berg.
- Freischütz : Ouverture / C.M. v. Weber.
- Freischütz overture [sound recording] / Weber. Symphony no. 9 / Schubert. Coriolan overture / Beethoven.
- Garden of Cosmic Speculation / Michael Gandolfi.
- Garden of Cosmic Speculation [sound recording] / Gandolfi.
- Gondwana / Tristan Murail.
- Gondwana [sound recording] ; Désintégrations ; Time and again / Tristan Murail.
- Harrison Birtwistle [sound recording].
- Heldenleben [sound recording] ; Till Eulenspiegel / Strauss.
- Jeux : poème dansé / Claude Debussy ; nach den Quellen herausgegeben von Max Pommer.
- Mer : trois esquisses symphoniques / Claude Debussy ; nach den Quellen herausgegeben von Max Pommer.
- Mer ; Jeux ; Le martyre de saint Sébastien ; Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune [sound recording] / Debussy.
- Mer [sound recording] / Debussy. Fountains of Rome ; Pines of Rome / Respighi.
- Most often used chords : (concerto for chamber orchestra) / John Harbison.
- Most often used chords [sound recording] ; Flute concerto ; Symphony no. 3 / John Harbison.
- Nocturnes [sound recording] ; La mer ; Prélude à l'aprés-midi d'un faune / Debussy.
- Petrouchka : burlesque in four scenes / by Igor Strawinsky and Alexandre Benois.
- Petrouchka [sound recording] : (1947 version) ; Orpheus / Igor Stravinsky.
- Petrushka [sound recording] ; The rite of spring : 1913/21 version / Stravinsky.
- Pictures at an exhibition [sound recording] / Mussorgsky. Seven preludes / Rachmaninoff.
- Pictures at an exhibition [sound recording] = Bilder einer Ausstellung = Tableaux d'une exposition / Modest Mussorgsky ; orch[estrated], Maurice Ravel. Le sacre du printemps = The rite of spring = Die Frühlingsweihe / Igor Stravinsky.
- Prelude and love death from Tristan and Isolde / Richard Wagner.
- Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune : for orchestra : eglogue pour orchestre d'après Mallarmé / Claude Debussy.
- Rite of spring / Igor Stravinsky.
- Scheherazade : op. 35 / N. Rimsky-Korsakoff.
- Scheherazade [sound recording] ; Russian Easter overture / Rimsky-Korsakov.
- Schoenberg, Berg, Webern [sound recording].
- Sequoia : for orchestra / Joan Tower.
- Silver ladders [sound recording] : (1986) ; Island prelude : (1988) for solo oboe and string orchestra ; Music for cello and orchestra (1984) ; Sequoia / Joan Tower.
- Sinfonie in C = Symphony in C major : Jupiter, KV 551 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; herausgegeben von H.C. Robbins Landon.
- Sonnets : for English horn and orchestra (2015) / George Tsontakis.
- Space of a door : for orchestra / Eric Nathan.
- Study of orchestration / Samuel Adler.
- Study of orchestration [sound recording] / [Samuel Adler and Peter Hesterman].
- Symphonie : für Klarinette, Bassklarinette, 2 Hörner, Harfe, 1. und 2. Geige, Bratsche, und Violoncell, op. 21.
- Symphonie de Psaumes / Igor Strawinsky.
- Symphonie fantastique, op. 14 [sound recording] / Berlioz.
- Symphonie nr. 40 : G moll = G minor, K.V.550 / Mozart.
- Symphony no. 104 in D major : London / Joseph Haydn.
- Symphony no. 3 in E-flat, op. 55 [sound recording] : "Eroica" / Beethoven. Symphony no. 40 in G minor, K. 550 / Mozart.
- Symphony no. 3, op. 55, in E-flat major : Eroica / Ludwig van Beethoven.
- Symphony no. 40 in G minor [sound recording] ; Symphony no. 41 in C major / W.A. Mozart.
- Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 [sound recording] / Beethoven. Tristan und Isolde : Prelude & Liebestod / Wagner. Parsifal : Prelude ; Parsifal : Good Friday music / Wagner.
- Symphony no. 7 / Beethoven. Symphony no. 104 / Haydn.
- Symphony of Psalms [sound recording] ; Concerto for piano and wind instruments ; Symphony in C / Igor Stravinsky.
- Tableaux d'une exposition = Pictures from an exhibition / M. P. Mussorgsky ; orchestrated by Maurice Ravel.
- Till Eulenspiegel einmal anders! / Richard Strauss ; arranged for five instruments by Franz Hasenöhrl.
- Variationen für Orchester : op. 31 / Arnold Schoenberg.
- Workbook for the study of orchestration / Samuel Adler.