
Orthotics & prosthetics in rehabilitation /

Orthotics & prosthetics in rehabilitation /
MCPHS Worcester
Orthotics and prosthetics in rehabilitation : multidisciplinary approach -- Aging and activity tolerance : Implications for orthotic and prosthetic rehabilitation -- Motor control, motor learning, and neural plasticity in orthotic and prosthetic rehabilitation -- An evidence-based approach to orthotic and prosthetic rehabilitation -- Clinical assessment of gait -- Materials and technology -- Footwear : foundation for lower extremity orthoses -- Foot orthoses -- Principles of lower extremity orthoses -- Orthotic decision making in neurological and neuromuscular disease -- Orthoses for knee dysfunction - -Orthoses in orthopedic care and trauma -- Orthoses for spinal dysfunction -- Orthoses in the management of hand dysfunction -- Splinting, orthoses, and prostheses in the management of burns -- Adaptive seating in the management of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal impairment -- Etiology of amputation -- Wound care for vulnerable feet -- Amputation surgeries for the lower limb -- Postoperative and preprosthetic care -- Understanding prosthetic feet -- Postsurgical management of partial foot and the syme amputation -- Transtibial prosthetics -- Transfemoral prostheses -- Prosthetic options for persons with high-level and bilateral lower-limb amputation -- Early rehabilitation in lower-extremity dysvascular amputation -- Advanced rehabilitation for people with microprocessor knee prostheses -- Athletic options for persons with amputation -- Rehabilitations for children with limb deficiencies -- Prosthetic options for persons with upper-extremity amputation -- Rehabilitation for persons with upper-extremity amputation.

Online access:
No online access
Library holdings:
MCPHS Circulation - Worcester Campus
RD755 .L87 2013Available