
GRAD 685: Visual and Critical Studies I (Graduate Programs: Fandrich)

GRAD 685: Visual and Critical Studies I
Fandrich, Leslie
Graduate Programs


Available online:
  1. (Berson/Driever) "Chapter 16: The Let Down Reflex" from Inappropriate Bodies.
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  2. (Bhandari/Melber) "Artist Statement" from Art/Work.
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  3. (Donoghue) "Chapter 10: In search of the maternal" from Inappropriate Bodies.
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  4. (Earnest) "Hal Foster" from What it means to write about art
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  5. (Earnest) "Lucy Lippard" from What it means to write about art
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  6. (Earnest) "Michael Fried" from What it means to write about art
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  7. (Earnest) "Rosalind Krauss" from What it means to write about art
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  8. (Earnest) "Some ways of writing about art in the twenty-first century" from What it means to write about art
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  9. (Elkins) "Table of Contents, The Slash, Chapter 1: Monster Theory" from Art Monsters
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  10. (Esplund) "Chapter 5: Art is a lie" from The Art of Looking
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  11. (Esplund) "Introduction and Chapter 1: Encountering Art" from The Art of Looking
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  12. (Foster/Krauss/Bois/Buchloh/Joselit) "TOC, Preface, Chapter 1" from Art Since 1900, vol. 2, third ed.
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  13. (Judah) "Chapter 6: Institutions + Conclusion: Love, Celebration and the road ahead" from How not to exclude artist mothers (and other parents)
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  14. (Mirzoeff) "Introduction and Chapter 1" from How to See the World
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  15. (Molesworth) "How to install art as a feminist" from Open Questions
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  16. (Molesworth) "Introduction and Why is the sky blue and other questions regarding writing" from Open Questions
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  17. (Schor) "Painting as Manual" from Wet
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  18. (Sillman) "AbEx and Disco Balls and Some Problems in Philosophy" from Amy Sillman Faux Pas.
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  19. (Sillman) "Further Notes on Shape" from Amy Sillman Faux Pas.
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  20. (Sillman) "Having a voice: a conversation with Amy Sillman and Artist gives talk" from Amy Sillman Faux Pas.
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