
LW 365: Women's Literature (Literature and Writing: Preziuso)

LW 365: Women's Literature
Preziuso, Marika
Literature and Writing


On reserve at a library:
  1. Becoming women : the embodied self in image culture / Carla Rice.
  2. Bridges to Cuba = Puentes a Cuba / Ruth Behar, editor.
  3. Dangerous liaisons : gender, nation, and postcolonial perspectives / Anne McClintock, Aamir Mufti, and Ella Shohat, editors (for the Social Text Collective).
  4. E-mails from Scheherazad / Mohja Kahf.
  5. Farming of bones : a novel / Edwidge Danticat.
  6. Feminism is for everybody : passionate politics / bell hooks.
  7. Handmaid's tale / Margaret Atwood.
  8. Heremakhonon / Maryse Condé ; translated from the French by Richard Philcox.
  9. Introduction to women's studies : gender in a transnational world / [edited by] Inderpal Grewal and Caren Kaplan.
  10. Kara Walker : my complement, my enemy, my oppressor, my love / organized by Philippe Vergne ; with texts by Sander L. Gilman [and others].
  11. Litany for survival [videorecording] : the life and work of Audre Lorde / a film by Ada Gay Griffin & Michelle Parkerson ; a Third World Newsreel production ; produced in association with The Independent Television Service.
  12. Loose woman : poems / by Sandra Cisneros.
  13. Persepolis / Marjane Satrapi.
  14. Persepolis [videorecording] / 2.4.7. Films ; in association with Celluloid Dreams, Sony Pictures Classics, Sofica Europacorp, Soficinéma ; in co-production with Kennedy/Marshall Company, France 3 Cinéma, French Connection Animations, Diaphana Films ;
  15. Queer and trans artists of color : stories of some of our lives / interviews by Nia King ; co-edited by Jessica Glennon-Zukoff and Terra Mikalson.
  16. Queer art of failure / Judith Halberstam.
  17. Shady promise / Wangechi Mutu; [editor, Douglas Singleton].
  18. She tries her tongue, her silence softly breaks / M Nourbese Philip.
  19. Sister outsider : essays and speeches / by Audre Lorde ; [new foreword by Cheryl Clarke].
  20. Trans* : a quick and quirky account of gender variability / Jack Halberstam.
  21. Visual and other pleasures / Laura Mulvey.
  22. Women without men [videorecording] / Coproduction Office [presents] ; director, Shirin Neshat in collaboration with Shoja Azari ; written by Shirin Neshat, Shoja Azari ; produced by Susanne Marian, Martin Gschlacht, Philippe Bober.
  23. Writing on the body : female embodiment and feminist theory / edited by Katie Conboy, Nadia Medina, and Sarah Stanbury.
Available online:
  1. (Anzaldua) "Ch. 13: La conciencia de la mestiza - towards a new consciousness" from Writing on the body
    Link to electronic reserve item
  2. (Bordo) "Ch. 5: The body and the reproduction of femininity" from Writing on the body
    Link to electronic reserve item
  3. (Collins) "Ch. 1: What is Intersectionality?" from Intersectionality
    Link to electronic reserve item
  4. (Halberstam) "Chapter 4: Shadow feminisms - Queer negativity and radical passivity" from The queer art of failure
    Link to electronic reserve item
  5. (Halberstam) "Chapter 5: Trans* representations" from Trans*
    Link to electronic reserve item
  6. (Halberstam) "Chapter 6: Trans* feminisms" from Trans*
    Link to electronic reserve item
  7. (hooks) "Ch. 21: Sisterhood - political solidarity between women" from Dangerous Liaisons
    Link to electronic reserve item
  8. (hooks) "Ch. 5: Our bodies, ourselves" from Feminism is for everybody
    Link to electronic reserve item
  9. (hooks) "Ch. 9: Women at work" from Feminism is for everybody
    Link to electronic reserve item
  10. (Lorde) "Breast cancer: Power vs. Prosthesis" from The cancer journals
    Link to electronic reserve item
  11. (Lorde) "Ch. 16: Uses of the erotic" from Writing on the body
    Link to electronic reserve item
  12. (Lorde) "Ch. 19: Age, race, class, and sex - women redefining difference" from Dangerous Liaisons
    Link to electronic reserve item
  13. (Lorde) "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house*" from Sister Outsider
    Link to electronic reserve item
  14. (Lorde) "The transformation of silence into language and action" from The cancer journals
    Link to electronic reserve item
  15. (Lorde) "The uses of anger: women responding to racism" from Sister Outsider
    Link to electronic reserve item
  16. (MacKinnon) "Ch: 2: Rape: on coercion and consent" from Writing on the body
    Link to electronic reserve item
  17. (Minh-ha) "Ch. 22: Not you/Like you" from Dangerous Liaisons
    Link to electronic reserve item
  18. (Mintz) "Ch. 4: Power" from Sweetness and Power
    Link to electronic reserve item
  19. (Mohanty) "Ch. 14: Under western eyes" from Dangerous Liaisons
    Link to electronic reserve item
  20. (Nair) "Against equality, against marriage: an introduction" from Against equality
    Link to electronic reserve item
  21. (Preziuso) "Make Margaret Atwood fiction again - Interview with Margaret Atwood" from Global Dystopias (Boston Review)
    Link to electronic reserve item
  22. (Rice) "Ch. 1: In the shadow of difference" from Becoming Women
    Link to electronic reserve item
  23. (Rice) "Introduction: searching for identity in image culture" from Becoming Women
    Link to electronic reserve item
  24. (Sturken) "Ch. 1: Images, power, and politics" from Practices of Looking
    Link to electronic reserve item
  25. (Sturken) "Ch. 7: Brand culture - The images and space of consumption" from Practices of Looking
    Link to electronic reserve item