LW 365: Women's Literature (Literature and Writing: Preziuso)
- Course:
- LW 365: Women's Literature
- Institution:
- MassArt
- Instructor:
- Preziuso, Marika
- Department:
- Literature and Writing
- On reserve at a library:
- Becoming women : the embodied self in image culture / Carla Rice.
- Bridges to Cuba = Puentes a Cuba / Ruth Behar, editor.
- Dangerous liaisons : gender, nation, and postcolonial perspectives / Anne McClintock, Aamir Mufti, and Ella Shohat, editors (for the Social Text Collective).
- E-mails from Scheherazad / Mohja Kahf.
- Farming of bones : a novel / Edwidge Danticat.
- Feminism is for everybody : passionate politics / bell hooks.
- Handmaid's tale / Margaret Atwood.
- Heremakhonon / Maryse Condé ; translated from the French by Richard Philcox.
- Introduction to women's studies : gender in a transnational world / [edited by] Inderpal Grewal and Caren Kaplan.
- Kara Walker : my complement, my enemy, my oppressor, my love / organized by Philippe Vergne ; with texts by Sander L. Gilman [and others].
- Litany for survival [videorecording] : the life and work of Audre Lorde / a film by Ada Gay Griffin & Michelle Parkerson ; a Third World Newsreel production ; produced in association with The Independent Television Service.
- Loose woman : poems / by Sandra Cisneros.
- Persepolis / Marjane Satrapi.
- Persepolis [videorecording] / 2.4.7. Films ; in association with Celluloid Dreams, Sony Pictures Classics, Sofica Europacorp, Soficinéma ; in co-production with Kennedy/Marshall Company, France 3 Cinéma, French Connection Animations, Diaphana Films ;
- Queer and trans artists of color : stories of some of our lives / interviews by Nia King ; co-edited by Jessica Glennon-Zukoff and Terra Mikalson.
- Queer art of failure / Judith Halberstam.
- Shady promise / Wangechi Mutu; [editor, Douglas Singleton].
- She tries her tongue, her silence softly breaks / M Nourbese Philip.
- Sister outsider : essays and speeches / by Audre Lorde ; [new foreword by Cheryl Clarke].
- Trans* : a quick and quirky account of gender variability / Jack Halberstam.
- Visual and other pleasures / Laura Mulvey.
- Women without men [videorecording] / Coproduction Office [presents] ; director, Shirin Neshat in collaboration with Shoja Azari ; written by Shirin Neshat, Shoja Azari ; produced by Susanne Marian, Martin Gschlacht, Philippe Bober.
- Writing on the body : female embodiment and feminist theory / edited by Katie Conboy, Nadia Medina, and Sarah Stanbury.
- Available online:
- (Anzaldua) "Ch. 13: La conciencia de la mestiza - towards a new consciousness" from Writing on the body
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- (Bordo) "Ch. 5: The body and the reproduction of femininity" from Writing on the body
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- (Collins) "Ch. 1: What is Intersectionality?" from Intersectionality
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- (Halberstam) "Chapter 4: Shadow feminisms - Queer negativity and radical passivity" from The queer art of failure
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- (Halberstam) "Chapter 5: Trans* representations" from Trans*
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- (Halberstam) "Chapter 6: Trans* feminisms" from Trans*
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- (hooks) "Ch. 21: Sisterhood - political solidarity between women" from Dangerous Liaisons
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- (hooks) "Ch. 5: Our bodies, ourselves" from Feminism is for everybody
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- (hooks) "Ch. 9: Women at work" from Feminism is for everybody
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- (Lorde) "Breast cancer: Power vs. Prosthesis" from The cancer journals
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- (Lorde) "Ch. 16: Uses of the erotic" from Writing on the body
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- (Lorde) "Ch. 19: Age, race, class, and sex - women redefining difference" from Dangerous Liaisons
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- (Lorde) "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house*" from Sister Outsider
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- (Lorde) "The transformation of silence into language and action" from The cancer journals
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- (Lorde) "The uses of anger: women responding to racism" from Sister Outsider
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- (MacKinnon) "Ch: 2: Rape: on coercion and consent" from Writing on the body
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- (Minh-ha) "Ch. 22: Not you/Like you" from Dangerous Liaisons
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- (Mintz) "Ch. 4: Power" from Sweetness and Power
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- (Mohanty) "Ch. 14: Under western eyes" from Dangerous Liaisons
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- (Nair) "Against equality, against marriage: an introduction" from Against equality
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- (Preziuso) "Make Margaret Atwood fiction again - Interview with Margaret Atwood" from Global Dystopias (Boston Review)
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- (Rice) "Ch. 1: In the shadow of difference" from Becoming Women
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- (Rice) "Introduction: searching for identity in image culture" from Becoming Women
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- (Sturken) "Ch. 1: Images, power, and politics" from Practices of Looking
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- (Sturken) "Ch. 7: Brand culture - The images and space of consumption" from Practices of Looking
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