Our musicals, ourselves : a social history of the American musical theater /
- Title:
- Our musicals, ourselves : a social history of the American musical theater /
- Author:
- Jones, John Bush.
- Format:
- Book
- Institution:
- MassArt
- Contents:
- Patriotism, xenophobia, and World War I -- The musicals of the roaring twenties -- Coping with Depression -- World War II and the Rodgers and Hammerstein years -- From isolationism to idealism in the Cold War years -- Black and Jewish musicals since the 1960s -- Issue-driven musicals of the turbulent years -- Fragmented society, fragmented musicals -- A recycled culture, nostalgia, and spectacle -- New voices, new perspectives.
- Online access:
- No online access
- Library holdings:
MassArt Main
ML1711 .J65 2003