
It was the best of sentences, it was the worst of sentences : a writer's guide to crafting killer sentences /

It was the best of sentences, it was the worst of sentences : a writer's guide to crafting killer sentences /
Casagrande, June.
The sentence : the writer's most important tool -- Who cares? Making sentences meaningful to your readers -- Conjunctions that kill : subordination -- Movable objects : understanding phrases and clauses -- Size matters : short versus long sentences -- Words gone wild : sentences that say nothing -- Words gone mild : choosing specific words over vague ones -- A frequently overstated case : the truth about adverbs -- Are your relatives essential? Relative clauses -- Antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers : prepositional phrases -- Danger danger : participles and other danglers -- The writing was ignored by the reader : passives -- You will have been conjugating : other matters of tense -- The being and the doing are the killing of your writing : nominalizations -- The the : not-so-definite definite articles -- The writer and his father lamented his ineptitude : unclear antecedents -- To know them is to hate them : faulty and funky parallels -- Taking the punk out of punctuation : the problem with semicolons and parentheses -- You don't say : descriptive quotation attributions -- Trimming the fat : expressions that weigh down your sentences -- The major overhaul : streamlining even the most problematic sentences -- On breaking the 'rules" : knowing when to can the canons.

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