Sustainable heritage : merging environmental conservation and historic preservation /
- Title:
- Sustainable heritage : merging environmental conservation and historic preservation /
- Author:
- Leifeste, Amalia, author.
- Format:
- Book, Image
- Institution:
- MassArt
- Contents:
- Cultural relationships with nature, ecology, biodiversity, energy, and resource systems -- History and theory of heritage preservation -- History and theory of sustainable design -- Architecture and building design -- Integrating biodiversity into the built environment rehabilitation practice -- Fixing the shortcomings within community design, planning and policy -- Going with the flow: strategies for adapting buildings and structures for rising sea levels -- Vehicles as a microcosm of approaching built environment rehabilitation -- Conclusions on lessons from the past for the future.
- Online access:
- No online access
- Library holdings:
MassArt Main
CC135 .L39 2018