
Climate savvy : adapting conservation and resource management to a changing world /

Climate savvy : adapting conservation and resource management to a changing world /
Hansen, Lara J., author.
New England Conservatory
In the beginning -- Climate change and its effects: what you need to know -- Reconceiving conservation and resource management -- Building the Plan. Buying time: the Tao of adaptation -- Assessing vulnerability of climate change -- Developing strategies to reduce vulnerability -- The role of models and technology -- Taking Action. Strengthening protected areas -- Focusing on species -- The role of connectivity -- Restoring for the future -- The hordes at the gates: beating back invasive species, pets, and diseases -- Rethinking governance, Policy, and Regulation. Regulating harvest in a changing world -- Regulating pollutants in a changing world -- Integrating the needs of nature and people -- Adapting governance for change.

Online access:
No online access
Library holdings:
New England Conservatory Spaulding Library
S936.H36 C55 2011Available